2016_智慧財產權理論與實務研討會 論文錄取名單
l 本次研討會經二階段匿名審查錄取13篇論文件,皆以口頭發表。
l 論文經錄取者,如同意於本研討會發表,請於105年7月4日(星期一)下午5:00前填妥附件論文授權同意書及科技部表C301及C302(為申請相關補助之用)並印出簽名後回傳掃描檔至 ttip5702@ntut.edu.tw,逾期未回覆者視為不出席發表,將取消錄取資格。
l 全文繳交截止日為105年8月20日(星期六),並請注意全文撰寫格式說明及投稿範本。
l 錄取名單
數序 |
中文篇名 |
英文篇名 |
1 |
競爭法與著作權法之交錯:以大陸著作權集體管理組織之反壟斷規範為中心 |
After the Patent Was Granted, Administrative Patent Invalidation with the Coo petition of Litigation Types |
2 |
論衛生教育著作之合理使用與案例討論 |
On the rational use of health education and case work of discussion |
3 |
虛擬實境之台灣專利佈局分析─以HMD系統為例 |
A Study on patent portfolios for Virtual Reality in Taiwan – HMD system as an example. |
4 |
論中小企業申請政府研發補助計畫所涉及之智慧財產權管理問題 |
Talk about management of intellectual property rights issues for SMEs to apply for government R & D subsidies involves. |
5 | 美國可著作性標準於我國之適用-以3D列印之應用美術作品為例 | The Application of the Copyrightability Standard of the United States in Taiwan-- the Applied-art and 3D-printed Work |
6 | 論專利授權契約與瑕疵擔保責任 | Study on Patent Licensing Agreement and Warranty Liability |
7 | 同人誌侵害著作權之研究 | The study of Copyright Infringement issues in Doujinshi |
8 | 美國著作權人敗訴承擔律師費用之研究 | Loser Pay the Attorney’s Fee in Copyright Litigation in U.S. |
9 | 著作權刑事訴訟與集管團體收益之關連探究 | Study on the correlation between Copyright Criminal Suit and revenue of Collective Management Organizations |
10 | 論照片在著作權法上之保護與合理使用之空間 | On Photography’s copyright protection and fair use |
11 | 營業秘密刑事案件訴訟法制之創設-從保障被告程序權與保護營業秘密之觀點 | Initiating a proper legal system of criminal procedure for cases involving trade secrets-concerning the procedural right of the defendant and the protection for trade secrets |
12 | 觸控技術之專利布局-以Apple與Samsung為例 | Patent Portfolio of Touchscreen Technology-Case Study of Apple |
13 | 生物相似藥品之藥品許可及專利審查-以日本為例 | Drug and patent approval process related to biosimilar in Japan |